Monday, 13 January 2014

Doctor Who: Series 1: Episode 8: Father's Day

Probably one of the best episodes of the first series...

 Rose asks the Doctor to go back to 1987, the day her dad died so, she stands by the road and watches her dad get of his car and sadly get run over but she hesitates and doesn't go to comfort her dad so she asks to redo the moment. There are now two sets of The Doctor and Rose, she then realizes she can't let him die and saves him from the accident and unwitting resets history and unleashes the reapers upon the world. The Doctor and Rose argue about saving her dad, so the Doctor, goes back to the TARDIS and realizes what Rose has done.

On this day, Jackie and Pete were attending a wedding and that's when the Reapers attack! So all the guests (and the Doctor and Rose) huddle in the church because the older something is the stronger it is, so they can not get through. But if the wound it time becomes weaker they can get through. After some chitchat in the church Peter realizes who Rose is and hands Rose herself (weird sentence) and the Reapers break through.

My thoughts: Really nothing really happens when inside the church, which people say is a bad thing but I don't because it leads them into a false sense of security and then the exiting stuff happens! Going back to my point in the second paragraph of Pete handing baby Rose to adult Rose I think either the Paul Cornell forgot what coversation the Doctor and Rose had earlier in the episode about not touching the baby but then she goes and holds the baby anyway... But all in all this is a high point of the series... 8/10

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