Monday, 15 April 2013

Doctor Who: Series 1 Episode 3: The Unquiet Dead

Finally, A Great Episode!!!

The Doctor and Rose travel back to Victorian Cardiff (on Christmas Eve) to explore the depths of time BUT: There's a problem! Before they have even materialised, creepy things have happened! The recently departed are not staying departed! Every night they walk around the streets terrorizing people and being zombie- like. But the local undertaker and his assistant are bringing these dead zombies back to their parlour.

Rose, discovers this and is determined to stop it! Not realizing that they are already dead, but in the process Rose is kidnapped by the undertaker and his assistant. The Doctor discovers this and chases after them! But accidentally stumbles upon the great writer: Charles Dickens.  Enlisting his help together they get Rose back and end up to befriend the undertaker (Sneed) and his helper (Gwyneth.) The Doctor discovers that the Gelth are possessing the dead!

My Thoughts: 
'The Unquiet Dead' is a great episode it captures the many aspects of DW that I love! My favourite episodes are the ones that dwell deep into the past and you can learn about that time period and how the people would deal with something as creepy as this! I love the idea that Gwyneth is psychic and she can see into Rose's future (to see the 'Big Bad Wolf)

Charles Dickens! At the time I didn't know much about him (I was 5) but he fits perfectly into this story, so that is another feature that I enjoy! Love this episode! Would recommend it to anyone!!!




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