Monday, 15 April 2013

Doctor Who: Series 1 Episode 3: The Unquiet Dead

Finally, A Great Episode!!!

The Doctor and Rose travel back to Victorian Cardiff (on Christmas Eve) to explore the depths of time BUT: There's a problem! Before they have even materialised, creepy things have happened! The recently departed are not staying departed! Every night they walk around the streets terrorizing people and being zombie- like. But the local undertaker and his assistant are bringing these dead zombies back to their parlour.

Rose, discovers this and is determined to stop it! Not realizing that they are already dead, but in the process Rose is kidnapped by the undertaker and his assistant. The Doctor discovers this and chases after them! But accidentally stumbles upon the great writer: Charles Dickens.  Enlisting his help together they get Rose back and end up to befriend the undertaker (Sneed) and his helper (Gwyneth.) The Doctor discovers that the Gelth are possessing the dead!

My Thoughts: 
'The Unquiet Dead' is a great episode it captures the many aspects of DW that I love! My favourite episodes are the ones that dwell deep into the past and you can learn about that time period and how the people would deal with something as creepy as this! I love the idea that Gwyneth is psychic and she can see into Rose's future (to see the 'Big Bad Wolf)

Charles Dickens! At the time I didn't know much about him (I was 5) but he fits perfectly into this story, so that is another feature that I enjoy! Love this episode! Would recommend it to anyone!!!




Friday, 12 April 2013

Doctor Who: Series 1: Episode 2: The End Of The World

Now, this is what I call the weaker side of DW!

Plot Summary:
The Doctor takes Rose to a space station to witness the death of planet earth along with many other different aliens and creatures, such as: The forest of Cheem and the Face of Boe. Then!!! Cassandra comes out! Cassandra is obsessed with beauty treatments to make her look thin and beautiful. But she went too far and is now a piece of skin (with eyes and mouth) stretched onto a metal frame. And she also believes she is the 'last human' (aside from Rose.)

Later on, Jabe (from the Forest of Cheem) takes a liking to the Doctor and asks him to explore with him.Rose is pretty jealous at this point but decides to stay put with the aliens and creatures. After a while one of the cleaners spots something down a vent and goes to investigate. But as she climbs in, she is grabbed and pulled down the vent (we assume she had died).

As the Doctor and Jabe are exploring, another death has taken place. And as soon as the Doctor has heard about this goes to find out what has gone on.

My Thoughts:
So far, this isn't a standout episode it seems quite dull in my opinion and it is quite frankly. Basically a murderer is on the spacestation, when I first saw it, the whole murder thing didn't seem to work for me! The only time murder mysteries have worked DW is later on when the series had reached it 4 year. When we found out who the murderer was, it wasn't a shock! (It was Cassandra) Then she targeted Rose! And that bored me to death! The whole episode for me was an absolute LET DOWN: 3/10 (AND THAT'S BEING GENEROUS)      

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Doctor Who Series 1 Episode 1: Rose

I think it is a great episode but no the best in its series.

The beginning is normal and not very unique, but that works in DW perfectly. Rose is late for work and is rushing around her flat (she lives with her mum.) When she finally gets there, she needs to deliver a lottery ticket. She goes in the basement. She starts to hear strange noises and it is eerily quiet. THEN!!! The window shop dummies corner her! (The Autons.) The Autons are great creatures!!What  I love in DW is  when the alien/creatures or monsters are really basic simple things. The Autons are a great way to introduce a new audience into the show!!! I love DW as I'm getting older I find being scared while watching episode can be REALLY hard! And that's why it can appeal to many anges. (When you're a child you scare easier)

The star of the show is introduced! The Doctor bursts onto our screens. The character of the doctor (in his ninth body) is very closed and secretive. We get told he is a Time lord and also an alien... AND he has to fight evil nearly everyday of his life and he's being doing it a while! He and Rose together in my opinion are a great package and bounce off each other well. I personally think the Doctor teaches Rose and Rose teaches the Doctor in an odd sort of way.

Rose's family is strong but her father died in a car crash when Rose was a baby so it has been Jackie (Rose's mum) and Rose. Jackie is hilarious and very worried for her daughter's safety. Mickey  when he first meets the Doctor he is worried (and jealous) that Rose admires him so much.

Like in every story or series there has to be a  happy ending! The defeat of the autons is great! We got the impression that the Doctor always saves the day but NO! Rose comes in and rescues him by kicking a tube of liquid. It fell into the Autons boss (the Nestene Consciousness) and he died.

All in all this a a good episode but could be tweaked a bit. The characters are good, the plot is good..